You can easily insert images into any part of your website where the text editor software is used (Text Editor App, Advanced Text Editor element, etc.). Here are the steps for uploading a picture and placing it on the page.
- Click on the "CONTENT" tab at the top and then click "Manage Content".
- Click on the title of the page where you want to add an image.
- If you don't see any areas of the page that say either "Advanced Text Editor" or "Text Editor", you may need to click on the "+ Add Element" button at the bottom of the page to create a new Advanced Text Editor element.
- Click on the element or app to edit it and then click on the place in the box where you want to insert the image.
- Click on the "Image" icon at the top.
- You can then either click on the "Browse Server" button if you've already uploaded the image or click on the "Upload" tab at the top and then the "Browse" button to upload a new image.
- If you're uploading a new image, find it on your computer and then click the "Open" button. Then click on the "Send it to the Server" button.
- You can then click the "OK" button at the bottom or you can make some adjustments to the image.
Here are some of the ways you can customize the images you upload:
- You can make the image smaller by typing in a new value for either the width or height. You can also make the image larger this way, but it is not recommended because the image will appear blurry if you try to make it larger than the original. The width and height values are measured in pixels.
- You'll also see a field where you can enter a number for a border. The border is also measured in pixels so if you enter "10", a border will be added around the edges of the image that is 10 pixels wide.
- The fields for HSpace and VSpace are short for horizontal and vertical space. Enter the number of pixels you want to added around the image as empty space with no border or other content. The space is added to both the left and the right sides for HSpace and top and bottom for VSpace. If you enter a value of "10" for HSpace, a ten pixel margin will be added to the left and to the right for a total of 20 pixels.
- You'll also see a drop-down menu for "Alignment" that allows you to specify if you want the image placed to the left or the right side of the content area. If there is text next to the image it will be added to the opposite side. So if you set the image to be aligned to the left, the text next to the image will be aligned to the right.
- You can click on the "Link" tab if you want to add a link to the image. Enter the full URL for the link (e.g. You can also specify if you want the link to open in a new window or if you want it to open in the same window by selecting an option in the drop-down menu labeled "Target".
- If you're familiar with HTML code and CSS, you can customize the image in greater detail under the "Advanced" tab.
You can always make adjustments to images inside the text editing areas by editing the element or app, clicking on the image, and then clicking on the "Image" icon at the top.
There are other ways to add images to pages. The Button / Image App is a good example of another way to insert an image onto a page.