Post blog entries with this bloq.

Click on the "add article" button on the left to create the first blog entry.  Type the title and author's name.  If you want the post to be published right away, you can leave the published date as it is by default and check the box that says "published".  If you want the post to be published later you can either not check the box for it to be published or you can set a date to the future so the blog will show up on the website starting on that date.

Enter the content for the blog.  If you want the blog post to show up on another page of the website in addition to the page where you placed the bloq, you can check the box for the category that you want to associate the post to.  If you need to add a category, you can do that under the "my library" area of the software.  To make a blog post show up on a different page of your website, you will use the "List" bloq.

After you save the blog entry, you'll see two buttons that allow you to insert a feature image and a thumbnail image.  The feature image will only be displayed if the entry has the most recent publish date.  Otherwise, the thumbnail image will appear.  The feature image is 960 pixels wide and 420 pixels tall.  The thumbnail image is 200 pixels by 200 pixels.

After you select the image you want to use, you will see an image editor that will allow you to add a text layer over the image.  To do so, click on the "+" on the left.  You can drag and drop the text to place it where you want it.

When you click on the "settings" tab at the top, you can give your blog a name and description.  This name and description is not visible on your website, but it is used if people use a feed reader to subscribe to the blog.  If you want a name and description to be visible on your website, you will need to add a Rich Text bloq.

Use the "ALIGNMENT" tab to add a little margin between this bloq and other content on the page.  Click "save" at the bottom when you are finished.