Publish church news articles with this page.

  1. Click on the blue "add an article" button on the right side of the page in the "News Articles List" area.
  2. Type the title of the news article and click the "save" button.
  3. Click on the "upload image" icon if you want a square image (200 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall) to be displayed.  The thumbnail image will also be visible if you use the News App somewhere on your website.
  4. You can also enter the name of the article's author.
  5. Change the publish date to a day in the future if you don't want the news article to appear on the website before then.
  6. Add the news content to the page in the text editing box.
  7. Assign the news article to a category if you are going to use the News App somewhere on your website and you only want to include articles that apply to a specific topic or ministry.  It's best to assign articles to only one category rather than multiple.
  8. Click the "Save Page" button at the bottom.

News articles are ordered by the publish date with the most recent at the top of the page.

The individual news articles have their own pages, but the titles are not added to the navigation menus by default.  If you want the articles to appear in the website navigation, edit the it and click on the "settings" button at the bottom to mark the box labeled "show as menu item".