The Showcase app displays a slideshow of images.  You can add links to each image you add to the app, and it has a variety of sizes and styles to choose from.

There are three main styles available for the Showcase app.  The standard view has three fixed sizes to choose from (Grande, Tall, Short) or you can select the "Custom" option to set your own dimensions for the app.  The other two you can use are called "Slide" and "Frames".  After you select the style you want to use, the app will not allow you to change to a different style.  You would need to add a new app to select a different style.

Here is a table that shows all of the styles for the app and the dimensions of the images used in each one:

Style Image Dimensions
960px X 420px
960px X 248px
960px X 140px
700px X 335px
612px X 349px
960px X ???px

Here are the steps to add images to the app:

  1. The app displays up to 10 images.  You can use images that you've already uploaded to Media Gallery pages by simply clicking on one of the thumbnails you see listed in the "MyLibrary" area or you can upload a new image by clicking on the "UPLOAD IMAGE" icon.  There's also a selection of professionally designed graphics available to use by clicking on the "OUTREACH ARTWORK" tab.
  2. The images in the "OUTREACH ARTWORK" area are already sized to fit perfectly in the app so they don't need to be cropped.  Other images will need to be cropped if you have not designed them to fit precisely.
  3. The app includes a feature under the "image options" tab for adding text over the images.  Simply type the text that you want to appear in front of the image and adjust the font style, size, and color.  You can add a second line of text as well and then click on the text that you see in the preview area to drag it to the exact location where you want it to appear.
  4. If you want the image in the app to be a link, click on the "link options" tab to select either a standard link or to link to a video.  If you've already uploaded videos, you will see a thumbnail image for each one listed.  Click on the thumbnail image to view the video or just select the radio button under the image to link to that video.  If you're adding a standard link instead, simply paste in the full URL for the page including the "http" part at the beginning.
  5. Click on the "date restrictions" tab if you want the image to only be displayed over a certain period of time.  Set both the date you want the image to start appearing as well as the last date you want it to appear.  The image will only be displayed in the app during the date range you set.
  6. The app can have up to 10 images that rotate.  Click on the "CLICK TO ADD" links to add more images to the app.  Click on the right arrow icon on the right side to see the spaces available for more images beyond the first five.
  7. You can also change the order of the images by clicking and dragging them.
  8. Click on the yellow "Save App" button at the bottom of the page.

Here are some other tips for the app:

  • Click on the little gear icon on the right side of the page to change the settings for how the images transition in the app.  There are four types of transitions available to choose from (Push,  Wipe,  Cut, Dissolve).  You can also adjust the amount of time between the transitions (from 1-7 seconds).  NOTE: The "Slide" version of the app does not have the option to customize the transition style.
  • You'll also see an option in the "Transition Options" area to either enable or disable navigation for all of the app styles except "Slide" and "Frames".  The navigation links the setting is referring to are the series of little dots that appear below the images.
  • When you use the "Frames" style for the app in a narrow column area (one half of the page width or smaller), the larger image will be displayed above the two thumbnail images.  When it is placed in a wider area of the page, the thumbnail images will be to the side of the large image.